Container Details

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Container Details

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Steps to update the Container Details:


Based on the Equipment Basis Type selected () data.T_ID_ORDER_EQUIPMENT_DETAILS.OEQD_BASIS_KEY. (Shipment Basis from basis type master to be “Container”,”All”), Container grid will be enabled.


1. Enter the Container Number from Container master. Manual entry to be allowed.

2. Based on the container number selected, container Size and Container Type to be auto fetched.

3. Enter the seal number.


Container details can also be downloaded in the system from CSV File.



Steps to update the Vehicle Details:


If Cargo Basis = ‘RoRo’, then the Vehicle Details section to be enabled to update values else it should not be visible to update data.




Based on the Basis type (Shipment Basis from basis type master to be “RORO”,”All”), Vehicle grid will be enabled.


Vehicle details have to be entered only for the Ro-Ro cargo.


1. Enter the Chassis number

2. Select the brand Id. The Brand name will be displayed automatically based on the brand ID selected.

4. Enter the vehicle model

5. Enter the Engine Number

6. Enter the engine capacity in terms of litres

7. Enter Passenger capacity

8. Enter Carriage & Passenger capacity

9. Enter the Year Built

10. Enter the vehicle colour

11. Enter the Vehicle condition (New/Used)

12. Enter the Vehicle type

13. Select the vehicle drive type (LEFT/RIGHT)

14. Select the vehicle spec (GCC/NON GCC)


Vehicle details can also be downloaded in the system from CSV File.



Services & Cost:


Based on the Sea mode route inserted, a service has to be automatically inserted in the Service section. Service Order Number generation is not required.


Multiple Services can be selected for the same route.


Vendor Name and Status has to be displayed. Then Route, Service & Status to be displayed.


If Order Number is selected in the header (Copy Option), and if multiple services are linked for the Sea mode, then those services has to be copied. Below column details to be copied from Order.


Manual entry of services and vendor can also be allowed to add. (Same like existing functionality).





Cost section to be enabled separately in order to fetch the Emirsal Tariff charges from the Fixed Charges Tariff program.  (Next to Service Section)


“Fetch From Tariff” button when selected should copy the charge details from the Tariff in to the Emirsal rates section.


Manual entry is not allowed.


Tariff to be fetched from T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES based on the other values selected.



Conditions to fetch Tariff:


When button pressed, charges to be fetched from the tariff. Conditions to check as follows.


1.Based on the Emirsal document type selected in the header, “Fetch From Tariff” button to be enabled.

2.Equipment Basis Types from the Order should be compared with the Basis type selection along with the Tariff Category from the Tariff.



1.Emirsal Tariffs are generated POL and POD-wise. Based on the port combination, tariffs will be fetched.

2.Activity : Activity selected in the Tariff to be checked in the Order ORDER_SHIPMENT_TYPE.



By default, Activity should be “Export”.



Route                        : No changes.


Type                        : “Normal” to be fetched by default.


Charge Description        : Charge name to be fetched from tariff. (T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES.SOTC_CHARGE_KEY)

Pay At Location        : Default value “Not Applicable” to be fetched.


Basis Type                : To be fetched from the tariff selected. (T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES.SOTC_BASIS_KEY)


Base UOM                : To be fetched from the tariff selected. (T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES.SOTC_BASIS_KEY)


Calculation Method        : To be fetched from the tariff selected. (T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES.SOTC_CALC_METHOD_KEY)


Quantity                : No change


Currency                : To be fetched from the tariff selected. (T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES.SOTC_CURRENCY_KEY)


Rate Cost & Rate Selling: Rate to be fetched from tariff. Both columns should be updated with same rate. (T_ID_SHIP_OTH_TARIFF_CHARGES.SOTC_RATE)


Cost Amount, Selling Amount, Cost Base Amount, Selling Base Amount: No Changes


Mode Of Pay                : No change


Remarks                : No Change


Status                        : No Change



Note: When Order Number is selected from the Header section, Rates should not be copied from the Order to Emirsal Rate section. Rates should be added only from Tariff.






No changes required. It should work as like it is working now.





No changes required. It should work as like it is working now.





This facility to be enabled in order to update multiple values in the program. This will diminish the data entry work for all the section upload and enhance process from committing manual typo error and time saving as well.


1. Once the details are being entered in a file and uploaded, the system will fetch the details from Excel sheet being uploaded to its respective column in the screen.


2. User will select the file with the respective section (Cargo/Container/RoRo) details by clicking the button on top of each section to select the file which is to be uploaded for further action.


3. System will now check for the field name and the values in the file and the columns of the screen.


4. Once the same is as per the developed format, the system will not proceed on to check for the values being entered.


5.  If in case the  number of columns in the file is not equal to the number of columns available in the system the system must show the error message as below:


The Number of columns for Vehicle details must be 14, please check the file again.


6. In case of the Column name being a mismatch case between file and the column label in screen, system must display the below alert as.


COLUMN_NAME (in file) is not a Valid Column Name, Please Check and Try to upload again.


7. Now the system will check for the values entered in the Excel sheet which is to be uploaded. In case of error or mismatch in the data, system must show the error message as it is existing for Cargo details.


8. Values which should be fetched from master should be valid in the Excel file uploaded.


For Example, user uploads data for Cargo Details section. In that, Commodity HS Code is mentioned as 1101 which is not available in our master, then message will be displayed to correct the HS Code with the row number.


Error Line number = 45, Commodity HS Code is not valid. Please correct the file and upload.


The above condition should be checked for all the master data.



9. Once the column upload is completed the system will display message as File Upload Completed successfully.



Below layout designs for each section has follows. Marked columns are the mandatory fields to be provided in the excel file for uploading.





















1. Once all the details are provided and program should be allowed to save and system should generate document number.


2. Document number to be generated based on the Document type defined in the Document Type Master.


3. In the Header section, if the “Inco Term” is selected as “FOB”, then Freight Currency, Freight Value, Insurance Currency and Insurance Value fields should be mandatory to update.