Copyrights 2019

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Copyrights 2019

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All rights reserved. No part of the Programs (which include both software and documentation) may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of Information Dynamics.


Names of Shiplogix and it is as products and services are trademarks of Information Dynamics.


Kindly note that any product, process, technology or other matter described in the document may be the subject of other Intellectual Property rights, all of which are owned and reserved by Information Dynamics and which are not licensed hereunder.


An only authorized person is hereby allowed to view, copy and print & distribute this document subject to the following conditions:


The document may be used for informational purposes only

The document may be used for non-commercial purposes only

Any copy of this document or portion thereof must include this copyright notice


Changes are periodically made to the information contained herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the document. Information Dynamics may make improvements and/or changes to the information at any time.


For further information on Copyright & Intellectual Property matters, please contact in the below mentioned address:


Information Dynamics LLC

Sharaf Building, 3rd Floor,

Mankhool Area, Bur Dubai, P.O.

Box-30448, Dubai, U.A.E.


Tel +971 4 3555513




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