Creating an Emirsal

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Creating an Emirsal

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Steps to be followed in the header section


Click on the Insert button.

Enter the Document Type (E-Mirsal)

Enter the Customer

Enter the Order Number if required and Copy button. This will copy the Order details to create E-Mirsal document

Issue date can be manually selected or can be fetched from the Order (if copied from Order)

Executive to be the Login user

From and To locations should work as like in Order Entry program. (Existing functionality)





Based on the document type=’E-Mirsal’ selected, below mentioned fields has to be dynamically fetched.

Based on the Inco term and the shipment type(Import /Export).

oFreight currency to be allowed to select from the LOV.

oEnter the Freight Value

oSelect the Insurance currency from the LOV

oEnter the Insurance Value.

Select the Payment Type used by the buyer/seller from the list of values.

Select the Valuation Method from the list of values.

Enter the total weight in case if only the container weight is known and the if the weight has to be distributed amongst the HS code based on the quantity.


Note: Based on the E-Mirsal document type selected in the Header section, for the Route Mode=’Sea’, System should allow to update the Transport Reference details manually. It should be made as free text field.