Creating Charge Group & Charge

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Creating Charge Group & Charge

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To create a charge group & charge, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Master Charge Group & Charge. The Charge Group & Charge workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:





2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar.

3.Enter Code and Description. By default, Status will be ACTIVE.

4.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the charge group & charge. The charge master will be created and displayed in the left hand side of the screen.

5.In the right side, click add (add_icon_white).

6.Enter Code and Description.

7.Choose Category from the drop-down menu as Carrier Reimbursement, Agency Revenue, Carrier Collection, Agent Expense, Agent Collection, or Others.

8.Choose Charge Type from the drop-down menu as Air, Sea, Stevedore, Rail, or Truck.

9.Choose Negative Allow from the drop-down menu as Yes or No.

10.Enter GlLink.

11.Choose Exch.Diff Charge from the drop-down menu. By default, Status will be ACTIVE.





12.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the charge group & charge.

13.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the charge group & charge. A pop-up window appears.




14.Click OK.