To create a fixed charges tariff, perform the following:
1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Tariff Fixed Charges Tariff. The Fixed Charges Tariff workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:
2.In the right pane, click Add () icon in the menu bar. The fixed charges Edit pop-up window appears.
3.In the Edit window, perform the following:
i.Choose cargo Category from the drop-down menu as Container, BreakBulk, RoRo, or General Cargo.
ii.Choose the type of Activity from the drop-down menu as Import, Export, Both, or N/A.
iii.Choose the type of Charge from the drop-down menu.
iv.Choose Place of receipt, Port of load, Port of discharge, and Place of delivery from the respective drop-down menus.
v.Choose the type of Liner from the drop-down menu.
vi.Choose Basis Type for the shipment from the drop-down menu.
Note: The UOM will be automatically populated based on the chosen basis type.
vii.In COC/SOC, choose the type of container from the drop-down menu as Carrier Owned, Shipper Owned, Liner, or N/A.
viii.Choose Hazardous nature of the cargo from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or N/A.
ix.Choose OG nature of the cargo from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or N/A.
x.Choose Comm.Clean Level from the drop-down menu as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or N/A.
xi.Choose the type of Customer from the drop-down menu.
xii.In From Date, enter the date from which the tariff should be valid.
xiii.In To Date, enter the date until which the tariff should be valid.
Note: The valid to date should be greater than the current date.
xiv.Choose the type of company Currency from the drop-down menu.
xv.In Calc.Method, do either of the following:
a.Fixed Calculation Method
✓Choose the type of calculation method from the drop-down menu as Fixed.
✓Enter Rate.
✓Choose Status from the drop-down menu as ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Note: By default, the status will be active.
✓Click save () icon to save the tariff.
b.Conditional Calculation Method
✓Choose the type of calculation method from the drop-down menu as Conditional.
✓Choose Status from the drop-down menu as ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Note: By default, the status will be active.
✓Click save () icon to save the tariff.
The conditions pop-up window appears.
✓In the conditions window, provide the following details:
➢In Condition, add the condition for charge calculation.
➢In Formula, add the formula for the condition.
➢In Rate, add the rate for the condition calculation.
➢Click Add to add the condition.
➢Click OK to add the condition and save the tariff.