Creating Fixed Charges Tariff

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Creating Fixed Charges Tariff

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To create a fixed charges tariff, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Tariff Fixed Charges Tariff. The Fixed Charges Tariff workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:




2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar. The fixed charges Edit pop-up window appears.


3.In the Edit window, perform the following:

i.Choose cargo Category from the drop-down menu as Container, BreakBulk, RoRo, or General Cargo.

ii.Choose the type of Activity from the drop-down menu as Import, Export, Both, or N/A.

iii.Choose the type of Charge from the drop-down menu.

iv.Choose Place of receipt, Port of load, Port of discharge, and Place of delivery from the respective drop-down menus.

v.Choose the type of Liner from the drop-down menu.

vi.Choose Basis Type for the shipment from the drop-down menu.
Note: The UOM will be automatically populated based on the chosen basis type.

vii.In COC/SOC, choose the type of container from the drop-down menu as Carrier Owned, Shipper Owned, Liner, or N/A.

viii.Choose Hazardous nature of the cargo from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or N/A.

ix.Choose OG nature of the cargo from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or N/A.

x.Choose Comm.Clean Level from the drop-down menu as Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, or N/A.

xi.Choose the type of Customer from the drop-down menu.

xii.In From Date, enter the date from which the tariff should be valid.

xiii.In To Date, enter the date until which the tariff should be valid.
Note: The valid to date should be greater than the current date.

xiv.Choose the type of company Currency from the drop-down menu.

xv.In Calc.Method, do either of the following:

a.Fixed Calculation Method

Choose the type of calculation method from the drop-down menu as Fixed.

Enter Rate.

Choose Status from the drop-down menu as ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Note: By default, the status will be active.




Click save (save_icon_green) icon to save the tariff.


b.Conditional Calculation Method

Choose the type of calculation method from the drop-down menu as Conditional.

Choose Status from the drop-down menu as ACTIVE or INACTIVE.
Note: By default, the status will be active.

Click save (save_icon_green) icon to save the tariff.
The conditions pop-up window appears.

In the conditions window, provide the following details:

In Condition, add the condition for charge calculation.

In Formula, add the formula for the condition.

In Rate, add the rate for the condition calculation.

Click Add to add the condition.




Click OK to add the condition and save the tariff.