1.Charges that are linked under the Category Carrier Disbursement will be considered, should only be fetched against the voyage selected.
2.Disbursement documents for which FDA not yet created alone will be listed.
3.In the header, user can filter the vouchers created for the Carrier Disbursement charges based on the Carrier, voyage and transaction till date.
4.Transaction Till Date should refer the Due Date of the Voucher (Disbursement document).
5.Upon selecting the Fetch button, details will be populated below in the tabulation (Based on the header parameter selected). If Carrier alone is selected, then voyage and other details which belongs to the carrier has to be listed. Disbursement (FDA) document which is not created for the particular voyage should alone be listed.
6.Selected Local Amount and VAT Amount to be fetched based on the vouchers selected in the Details section (Total charge amount of the selected documents and its respective VAT amount to be displayed). By default, all the vouchers to be auto selected against each voyage.
7.If user wants to post the Disbursement document in any other currency, then same should be allowed to select. Based on the currency selected, exchange rate to be auto fetched.
8.Manual selection of Customer (AP), Supply Location and Supply Date against each voyage is allowed.
9.Once the voyage is selected (row is selected), Details button should be enabled which should list out all the disbursement charges and its respective vouchers posted in the respective voyage.
10.All the vouchers posted against each charge and its respective details to be listed.
11.Total Foreign Amount and Total Local Amount to be auto calculated with Local Amount + Tax local amount from the tax calculation and foreign amount to display Foreign Amount + Tax Foreign Amount.
12.If multiple taxes are linked with a charge, system should sum up the tax charge in the Tax local amount and Tax Foreign amount.
•Based on the Liner selected, respective voyages to be fetched from Voyage master.
•Transaction Till Date should refer the column doc date from T_ID_SHIP_LEDGER . SHL_DOC_DATE of each voucher document. Based on the date selected, documents to be considered.
•If voyage is selected, Vessel/Port to be auto fetched and grey out.
•If voyage alone is selected, then that particular voyage should alone be fetched in the grid once Fetch button is selected. If Liner selected, then all the voyages linked with the Liner to be listed.
•If vessel alone is selected then all the voyages created with the vessel has to be listed. If port selected, then voyages linked with the port to be listed.