Order completion/Re-Opening - Overview
This program is used to complete the orders created for the freight forwarding activities. Once the invoicing is completed for a particular order, the job can be completed. Once the completion is done, no transactions will be allowed against that particular order. In case, if any exceptions comes out after the completion (e.g., additional invoices/corrections in the existing entries), then the order needs to be re-opened and then only the corrections can be made in the order/order related transactions. (Orders in the completed status should not be listed to pass any financial entries).
•Once the invoicing is completed for a particular order, user can proceed with the completion.
•Orders which are in confirmed status and already invoiced should be listed.
Also the order types where the completion method equal to FDA posting should not be fetched in to this program
(Current Afsys program allow to do the completion even for the partially invoiced orders as well as the orders where the cost is yet to be booked. However the posting of the completion will be always based on the actual invoice figures. To be discussed with Raj)
•User can fetch the details based on the order type, order number, customer or from to dates
•Existing order figures (provision/cost/actual cost) should be displayed for the users to see how the order is placed at the moment
•Exceptions should be highlighted in different colors
•If required, user should be able to navigate to the order entry to see more details
•Also user should be able to see the list of transactions made against that particular order
•Should allow to select multiple orders to do the completion
•Completion date should come automatically (Last date of that particular year/month where the order is created (order entry - expected date)
•Upon saving, system should update the order completion status as well as the order completion date in to the order header
•Financial entry should be created based on the order type
System should check the following checks based on the document type wise more details setup for the “Completion method” against that particular order type
A - WIP Summary
B - WIP Charge wise
C - Sales/Cost of sales
A - Entry to be created for total Invoice amount – total cost amount and the completion status/date to be updated in to order header. Accounts to be taken based on header accounts fields
B - Entry to be created by individual charge by invoice amount for that particular charge – cost amount for that particular charge and the completion status/date to be updated in to order header. Accounts to be taken based on the charge wise accounts setting
C - Closing will not create any financial entry as the actual receivable/payable invoice will take care of the revenue posting. Just need to update the completion status/date to the order header
Upon saving, system should display the completion entries created against the respective orders selected for the completion
To handle the exceptions, user should be allowed to re-open the completion status
To re-open user must specify the order number (order number is mandatory for re-opening)
Upon saving, system has to again check the “Completion Method”
A – WIP Summary
B – WIP Charge wise
C - Sales/Cost of sales
A & B Previously passed completion entry should be reversed
C – Just the order status to be updated back to open status and the order completion date to be removed from the order header
Re-open will be one order at a time
Should we use separate status field for the order completion or should it be the same order header status? To be discussed with Raj
Saving message should display the previous completion document number as well as the reversal document number created with the re-opening.
•Once the order is re-opened, then that order will be again available to pass further corrections/financial entries