Preparing Quotation

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Preparing Quotation

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To prepare a quotation, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Quotation Quotation. The Quotation workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:




2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar. The Quotation creation page appears.


3.In the Quotation Preparation header, provide the following details:

i.Choose Quotation date and Quotation validity date using the date picker (date_picker_icon) icon.
Note: Prepared by executive name will be automatically populated.

ii.In Requested by, choose the name of the customer requesting the quotation.
Note: Address Details of the customer will be automatically populated.

iii.Enter Quotation Reference number.

iv.Choose Base Currency of the company and Enquiry Number from the drop-down menu.

v.Choose Shipment Mode from the drop-down menu as SEA, TRUCK, RAIL, AIR, or MULTI.

vi.Choose Origin and Destination of the shipment from the respective drop-down menus.

vii.Enter Remarks, if any.

viii.Choose Services from the drop-down menu.





4.In Commodity Details tag, perform the following:

i.Choose Commodity and Order Type from the respective drop-down menus.

ii.Enter Type Qty and Gross Weight.

iii.Choose Gross Weight UOM from the drop-down menu.

iv.Enter Gross Volume.

v.Choose Gross Volume UOM from the drop-down menu.

vi.In Hazardous, choose Yes from the drop-down menu if the goods are of hazardous nature or No if the goods are of non-hazardous nature.

vii.In Reefer, choose Yes from the drop-down menu if the shipment type is reefer or No if the shipment type is not reefer.

viii.In Oversized, choose Yes from the drop-down menu if the commodity is oversized or No if the commodity is not oversized.

ix.In Venting Option, choose Yes from the drop-down menu if the commodity needs venting option or No if the commodity does not need venting option.




x.Click save (save_icon_white) icon to temporarily save the commodity details.


5.In Route tag, perform the following:

i.Choose Mode of transport from the drop-down menu as SEA, TRUCK, RAIL, or AIR.

ii.Choose Provider from the drop-down menu.

Note: Origin, Destination, Transit1, Duration, Currency, Buying Rate, and Selling Rate will be automatically populated.

iii.Choose Terms from the drop-down menu.
Note: Type of shipment will be automatically populated.




iv.Click save (save_icon_white) icon to temporarily save the route details.


6.In Rate Details tag, perform the following:

i.Choose Type from the drop-down menu as Normal or Special.

Note: Provider will be automatically populated.

ii.Choose Charge Description, Payat location/Office, and Basis Type from the respective drop-down menus.
Note: Base UOM, Currency, Calculation Method, and Exchange Rate will be automatically populated.

iii.Enter Quantity, Rate Cost, and Rate Selling.
Note: Cost Amount will be automatically populated based on the quantity and rate cost. Selling Amount will be automatically populated based on the quantity and rate selling. Cost Base Amount will be automatically populated based on the cost amount. Selling Base Amount will be automatically populated based on the selling amount.

iv.Choose Mode Of Pay from the drop-down menu as PREPAID, COLLECT, or NOT APPLICABLE.

v.Enter Remarks, if any.




vi.Click save (save_icon_white) icon to temporarily save the rate details.


7.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the quotation. A pop-up window appears.




8.Click OK.