Tariff Excel Upload

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Tariff Excel Upload

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Tariff Excel upload is used to bulk upload the storage, demurrage, and detention charges for allowed free days.

To upload the tariff Excel, perform the following:

1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Tariff Tariff Excel Upload. The Tariff Excel Upload workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:




2.In Free Days-Excel Upload header, perform the following:

i.Choose Charge Type from the drop-down menu as Storage, Detention, or Demurrage.

ii.Choose Vendor Type from the drop-down menu as Customer, Port Agent, Truck Operator, Air Line Agency, Rail Operator, Liner, Distributor, Client, Vendor, Not Applicable, or Agent.

iii.Choose Liner from the respective drop-down menus.

iv.Choose Tariff Type from the drop-down menu as Normal or Special.

v.Click Select Files to choose the required Excel file in the accepted format.

vi.Click Upload.
Note: The Excel data will be uploaded and displayed under Demurrage/Detention/Storage Free Time and Tariff Entry tag.




3.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the uploaded tariff. A pop-up window appears with the success message.



4.Click OK to upload the files.