To add an airline, perform the following:
1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Master Airline. The Airline workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:
2.In the right pane, click Add () icon in the menu bar. The Airline creation page appears.
3.In the airline header, provide the following details:
a.Enter AirLine Code, AirLine Desc, and Billing and Settlement Plan (BSP) Fare Code for the airline.
b.Choose AirLine Region from the drop-down menu.
c.Enter AirLine Prefix.
d.Choose Comm.Method from the drop-down menu as Zero Commission, Commissionable, or Net Fare.
e.Choose IATA Status from the drop-down menu as IATA, GSA, Non GSA, or Non IATA.
f.Choose Reporting Period from the drop-down menu as Daily, Weekly, Fortnightly, or Monthly.
g.Choose BSP Status from the drop-down menu as BSP or NON BSP.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
4.In the Agents tag, perform the following:
a.Choose Agent Name and Location for the agent from the respective drop-down menus.
b.Choose Type of the agent from the drop-down menu as Agent or GSA.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
c.Click save () icon to temporarily save the agent.
5.In the Freight tag, perform the following:
a.Choose Freight Code and Commission Code for the airline from the respective drop-down menus.
b.Enter Commission and Or Commission values.
c.In Reporting Based On, choose the reporting method as Not applicable, Chargeable weight, or Gross weight.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
d.Click save () icon to temporarily save the freight.
6.In the Address tag, perform the following:
a.Choose Address Type and Region for the airline from the respective drop-down menus.
b.In Address 1 and Address 2, enter address for the airline.
c.Enter Phone, Fax, and Email.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
d.Click save () icon to temporarily save the airline address.
7.In the Class tag, perform the following:
a.Choose Class Code and Class Type from the respective drop-down menus.
b.Enter Remarks, if any.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
c.Click save () icon to temporarily save the class.
8.In the menu bar, click Save () icon to save the master. A pop-up window appears.
9.Click OK to save the master.