Break Bulk

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Break Bulk

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Steps to create an entry for BreakBulk operations:

In the Parcel Type field, select BreakBulk from the drop-down list. The below screen is displayed.




It displays the 2 sections:

1.Basic Details

2.Transportation Details


2.Select the Type Export or Import from the drop-down list.

3.Select Order/Groupage number from the drop-down list.



1.Basic Details:

The explanation to enter the data in each of the fields is explained below.


Cargo Parcel - Enter the --------

Weight - Enter the weight of ?

Weight UOM - By default, Kilogram is displayed as the UOM

Volume - Enter the volume of ?

Volume UOM - By default, Cubic Meter is displayed as the UOM

Package Type - Select the package type from the drop-down menu

No of Packages - Enter the number of Packages

Commodity - Select the commodity from the drop-down menu

Status - By default, status is Active ?


2.Transportation Details:

i.In the Voyage field, the Voyage details are auto fetched from the Voyage Master / Order entry program. [confirm]





ii.Enter the values in the fields Truck, Rail and Flight No, if they are not auto fetched.

iii.Click the Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the data.