To create a business partner, perform the following:
1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Master Business Partner. The Business Partner workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:
2.In the right pane, click Add () icon in the menu bar. The Business Partner creation page appears.
3.In the Business Partner header, provide the following details:
i.Enter Code and Name for the business partner in the respective fields.
ii.Choose Tag from the drop-down menu as Business Partner, Liner, or Agent.
iii.Choose Classification from the drop-down menu as High Potential, Low Potential, Medium Potential, VIP Partner, or Yet to Define.
iv.Choose the required Parent Company from the drop-down menu.
Note: By default, the Status will be ACTIVE.
v.Choose Account Type from the drop-down menu as Account Receivable, Account Payable, or Both.
4.In the Business Types tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the business type.
ii.Choose the required Business Activity from the drop-down menu.
iii.Choose Account Type from the drop-down menu as Account Receivable, Account Payable, or Both.
iv.Choose the required Default Address from the drop-down menu.
Note: By default, the Status will be ACTIVE.
v.Click Save () icon to save the business type.
5.In the Address tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the address.
A Edit pop-up window appears.
ii.In the Edit window, perform the following:
a.In Address Header, provide the following details:
✓Choose the required address Type from the drop-down menu.
✓Enable Default if you want to make the address type as the default address type.
✓Enter Address.
Note: By default, Party Type will be chosen.
✓Choose the required Country, State, City, and Zip from the respective drop-down menus.
✓Enter PO Box No and PO Box Name.
b.In Communication Details, provide the following details:
✓Enter Telephone, Fax No, Primary Mobile No, Secondary Mobile No, Primary Email, and Secondary Email.
c.Click Save () icon to save the address.
6.In the Contacts tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the contact.
A Edit pop-up window appears.
ii.In the Edit window, perform the following:
a.In Address Details, provide the following details:
✓Choose Salutation from the drop-down menu.
✓Choose Gender from the drop-down menu as Male or Female.
✓Enter First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name.
b.In Communication Details, provide the following details:
✓Enter Office, Mobile, Residence, Personal Email, Office Email Id, and Alternative Email.
c.In Contact More Details, provide the following details:
✓Choose Nationality and Designation from the respective drop-down menus.
✓Enter Skype ID, FaceBook ID, Twitter ID, MSN ID, and Yahoo ID.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
d.Click Save () icon to save the contact.
7.In the Credit Details tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the credit details.
ii.Choose Account Type from the drop-down menu as Account Receivable, Account Payable, or Both.
iii.Choose Currency Name from the drop-down menu.
iv.Enter Limit Amount, Over Due Amount, Buffer Percentage, Final Limit, PDC Days, and Credit Days.
v.Choose Late Payment Type from the drop-down menu as Due Dates or OutStanding.
vi.Enter Late Payment Percentage and Late Payment Start Days.
vii.Choose Last Review Date and Next Review Date using the date picker () icon.
viii.Click Save () icon to save the credit details.
8.In the Bank Details tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the bank details.
ii.Enter Priority, Bank Name, Account No, Currency Name, Swift Code, IBAN Code, Sort Code, IFSC Code, and RTGS Code.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
iii.Click Save () icon to save the bank details.
9.In the Custom Details tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the custom details.
ii.Choose Registered Client from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or Not Applicable.
iii.Choose Group Company from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or Not Applicable.
iv.Enter Transaction Currency, Local Currency, Advance % Client, and Advance % PA.
v.In Sailing Request Auto Mail, enable or disable auto email.
vi.Enter Job Number Identifier.
10.In the KYC tag, perform the following:
i.Click add () icon to add the KYC.
ii.Choose Document Name from the drop-down menu as Company Logo or Company Registration.
iii.Enter Document Number, Issued By, and Issued To.
iv.Choose Issue Date and Date Of Expiry using the date picker () icon.
v.In File, click Select files to upload the required document.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.
vi.Click Save () icon to save the KYC details.
11.In the menu bar, click Save () icon to save the master. A pop-up window appears.
12.Click OK to save the master.