Creating Business Partner

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Creating Business Partner

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To create a business partner, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Master Business Partner. The Business Partner workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:





2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar. The Business Partner creation page appears.

3.In the Business Partner header, provide the following details:

i.Enter Code and Name for the business partner in the respective fields.

ii.Choose Tag from the drop-down menu as Business Partner, Liner, or Agent.

iii.Choose Classification from the drop-down menu as High Potential, Low Potential, Medium Potential, VIP Partner, or Yet to Define.

iv.Choose the required Parent Company from the drop-down menu.
Note: By default, the Status will be ACTIVE.

v.Choose Account Type from the drop-down menu as Account Receivable, Account Payable, or Both.





4.In the Business Types tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the business type.

ii.Choose the required Business Activity from the drop-down menu.

iii.Choose Account Type from the drop-down menu as Account Receivable, Account Payable, or Both.

iv.Choose the required Default Address from the drop-down menu.
Note: By default, the Status will be ACTIVE.





v.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the business type.


5.In the Address tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the address.
A Edit pop-up window appears.

ii.In the Edit window, perform the following:

a.In Address Header, provide the following details:

Choose the required address Type from the drop-down menu.

Enable Default if you want to make the address type as the default address type.

Enter Address.
Note: By default, Party Type will be chosen.

Choose the required Country, State, City, and Zip from the respective drop-down menus.

Enter PO Box No and PO Box Name.

b.In Communication Details, provide the following details:

Enter Telephone, Fax No, Primary Mobile No, Secondary Mobile No, Primary Email, and Secondary Email.





c.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the address.


6.In the Contacts tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the contact.
A Edit pop-up window appears.

ii.In the Edit window, perform the following:

a.In Address Details, provide the following details:

Choose Salutation from the drop-down menu.

Choose Gender from the drop-down menu as Male or Female.

Enter First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name.

b.In Communication Details, provide the following details:

Enter Office, Mobile, Residence, Personal Email, Office Email Id, and Alternative Email.

c.In Contact More Details, provide the following details:

Choose Nationality and Designation from the respective drop-down menus.

Enter Skype ID, FaceBook ID, Twitter ID, MSN ID, and Yahoo ID.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.




d.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the contact.


7.In the Credit Details tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the credit details.

ii.Choose Account Type from the drop-down menu as Account Receivable, Account Payable, or Both.

iii.Choose Currency Name from the drop-down menu.

iv.Enter Limit Amount, Over Due Amount, Buffer Percentage, Final Limit, PDC Days, and Credit Days.

v.Choose Late Payment Type from the drop-down menu as Due Dates or OutStanding.

vi.Enter Late Payment Percentage and Late Payment Start Days.

vii.Choose Last Review Date and Next Review Date using the date picker (date_picker_icon) icon.





viii.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the credit details.

8.In the Bank Details tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the bank details.

ii.Enter Priority, Bank Name, Account No, Currency Name, Swift Code, IBAN Code, Sort Code, IFSC Code, and RTGS Code.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.




iii.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the bank details.


9.In the Custom Details tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the custom details.

ii.Choose Registered Client from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or Not Applicable.

iii.Choose Group Company from the drop-down menu as Yes, No, or Not Applicable.

iv.Enter Transaction Currency, Local Currency, Advance % Client, and Advance % PA.

v.In Sailing Request Auto Mail, enable or disable auto email.

vi.Enter Job Number Identifier.





10.In the KYC tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the KYC.

ii.Choose Document Name from the drop-down menu as Company Logo or Company Registration.

iii.Enter Document Number, Issued By, and Issued To.

iv.Choose Issue Date and Date Of Expiry using the date picker (date_picker_icon) icon.

v.In File, click Select files to upload the required document.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.





vi.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the KYC details.

11.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the master. A pop-up window appears.





12.Click OK to save the master.