Creating Operation Site Master

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Creating Operation Site Master

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To create an operation site master, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Master Operation Site Master. The Operation Site Master workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:






2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar.
The Operation Site Master creation page appears.

3.In the Operation Site header, perform the following:

i.Enter Code and Name for the operation site.

ii.Choose Type of operation site from the drop-down menu as Airport, City, ICD, Port, Rail, Terminal, or Depot.

iii.Choose Mode of operation site from the drop-down menu as Air, Sea, Truck, or Rail.

iv.Choose Country, City, PartnerLink, and Port of operation site from the respective drop-down menus.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.

v.Choose TimeZone of operation site from the drop-down menu.






4.In the Port Information header, perform the following:

i.Choose Last Updated On date using the date picker (date_picker_icon) icon.

ii.Enter Source of Data.

iii.Enter port Location in Latitude and Longitude.

iv.Enter Charts.

v.In Tidal Information, provide the following details:

a.In Is this a Tidal Port?, choose Yes if it is a tidal port or No. On choosing yes, click Select files to upload tidal table.

b.Choose Frequency from the drop-down menu as Annually, Monthly, Quarterly, or Semi-Annually.

vi.In Sea Anchorage, provide the following details:

a.In Is there an Anchorage Available?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu. On choosing yes, provide anchorage position.

b.In Is the Anchorage Free Of Cost?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu. On choosing no, enter anchorage charges and calculation.




vii.Enter Approach Channel details.

viii.In Pilotage, provide the following details:

a.In Is Pilotage Available for 24Hours?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu. On choosing no, provide pilotage restrictions.

b.In Is Pilotage Provided by Port?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

ix.In Tugs, provide the following details:

a.In Are Tugs Mandatory for Maneuvering?, choose Yes, Application, or No from the drop-down menu. On choosing yes alone, Enter How Many Tugs are used for berthing? and How Many Tugs are used for sailing?






x.Enter Ballasting & De-Ballasting, Under Keel Clearance (UKC), Communication, Radio Mast Position, Mooring, Coast Guard, Immigration, Custom, and Port Authorities.

xi.In Stores and provisions, provide the following details:

a.In Can they be delivered at Alongside?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

b.In Can they be delivered at Anchorage?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

xii.In Bunkers, provide the following details:

a.In Can Bunkers be Delivered Alongside?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

b.In Can Bunkers be Delivered Anchorage?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

c.In If Yes What is the Mode of Delivery?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

d.In If Yes What is the Mode of Delivery?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

xiii.Enter Pre Arrival Information, Declaration Requirements, Dock Water, Dock Water Density in MT/M3, and Age Limit in Years.

xiv.In Is Free Patique, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.





xv.Enter Free Patique, ISPS Codes, Documentation Required on Arrival, Cargo Documentation, Sampling Procedure, and Port Clearance.

xvi.In Husbandary, provide the following details:

a.In Is Shore Leave Allowed?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

b.In Is Crew Change Allowed?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

c.In Can CTM be delivered?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

d.In IsSpare, Can Spares be delivered?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

e.In Is delivered?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

f.In IsParcelFreeDel, Can Smaller parcels be delivered(w/o cost)?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

g.In IsCrewMedical, Can Crew Medical be Arranged?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

h.In FwAlongside, Is Fresh water available alongside?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

i.In FwAlongsideMode, If Yes What is the Mode of Delivery?, choose Barge, Pipelines, or Truck from the drop-down menu.

j.In FwAnchorage, Is Fresh water available at Anchorage?, choose Yes or No from the drop-down menu.

k.In FwAnchorageMode, If Yes What is the Mode of Delivery?, choose Barge, Pipelines, or Truck from the drop-down menu.

xvii.In Important Circulars, choose Select Files to upload circulars, if any.
You can add all the recent circulars that are relevant for that particular port.

xviii.Enter Additional Information and Working Hours.





5.In the Berthing Details tag, perform the following:

i.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the berthing details.

ii.Enter Code and Name for the operation site.

iii.Choose Type and Terminal Name from the respective drop-down menus.





iv.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the berthing details.

6.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the master. A pop-up window appears.





7.Click OK to save the master.