Creating Template Maintenance

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Creating Template Maintenance

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To create a template maintenance master, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Master Template Maintenance. The Template Maintenance workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:




2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar.

3.Choose Template Type from the drop-down menu as BL Format, Other Format, Checklist, SOF, or Manifest.

4.Enter Display Template Name.

5.In Internal Template Name, click Select files to upload the internal template.

6.In Editable, choose the template maintenance to be Editable or Non-Editable.

7.In Mailing Method, choose the mailing method to be an Attachment or Mail Body.

8.Enter Remarks, if any.

9.Choose Port from the drop-down menu.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.




10.Click Save (save_icon_white) icon to temporarily save the template maintenance master.

11.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the template maintenance master. A pop-up window appears.




12.Click OK.