Event Updation

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Event Updation

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This program is used to track the container movements based upon the events updated against the respective containers. There are various events applicable for a container in its order life cycle, all those events can be captured in the system. Based on the container events, applicable charges like demurrage/detention and storage charges are calculated and collected from the customer.




The module is developed to perform the below functionalities.

To add any new container event & to update/edit any single container event.

To update events for a single container or for multiple containers at once via CSV file.

To mass update some common fields for multiple containers for current container events.

To capture all seal details, Container damage, Seal damage, basic UAC details etc.

To amend updated container events & some common fields for mass container selection.

To delete a single container event & a common event of multiple containers.

To view all container events (current /History events and deleted events).

To query & check all the moves of a particular container including history events based on various input parameters.