How to calculate CCP?
Enter the input data in the Header section to calculate the commission. You can calculate voyage-wise commission or commission for a set of voyages (Based on the From Date and To Date selected).
1.In the Carrier Commission Posting screen, click the icon in the Toolbar. The Carrier Commission Posting Add screen will be displayed.
2.Select the Principal, Voyage, Vessel, Port and BL Type from the respective drop-down lists.
3.Select the From date and To Date from the drop-down calendar.
4.Select the Document Type as CCP from the drop-down list.
5.Select the Calculation Port and BL Number from the respective drop-down lists.
6.After entering the required inputs, click the button. The carrier commission will be calculated and displayed in the grid below.
Also, a document number will be automatically generated based upon the document type selected and displayed in the Document Number field. Document numbers generated will be in Created status.
7.Click the button to post the calculated amount into the respective finance table. A confirmation message “Commission document has been posted successfully” will be displayed. Documents status changes from Created to Posted.
•Each Voyage/Vessel/Port document number needs to be created separately.
•Voyage-wise Document Number will be generated and displayed in the workbench.
•Once the document number is generated, user can view the commission amount details - document wise & BL-wise for the particular voyage.
•Editing is now allowed once the document is created.
•On selecting the “View” button, voyage-wise detailed information will be displayed. For example, if ten BLs are linked with the particular voyage, then the BL numbers and its details should be displayed.