Calculating CCP

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Calculating CCP

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How to calculate CCP?

Enter the input data in the Header section to calculate the commission. You can calculate voyage-wise commission or commission for a set of voyages (Based on the From Date and To Date selected).



1.In the Carrier Commission Posting screen, click the Add_Greenicon icon in the Toolbar. The Carrier Commission Posting Add screen will be displayed.

2.Select the Principal, Voyage, Vessel, Port and BL Type from the respective drop-down lists.

3.Select the From date and To Date from the drop-down calendar.

4.Select the Document Type as CCP from the drop-down list.

5.Select the Calculation Port and BL Number from the respective drop-down lists.

6.After entering the required inputs, click the Calculate_Blue button. The carrier commission will be calculated and displayed in the grid below.

Also, a document number will be automatically generated based upon the document type selected and displayed in the Document Number field. Document numbers generated will be in Created status.

7.Click the Post_blue button to post the calculated amount into the respective finance table. A confirmation message Commission document has been posted successfullywill be displayed. Documents status changes from Created to Posted.





Each Voyage/Vessel/Port document number needs to be created separately.

Voyage-wise Document Number will be generated and displayed in the workbench.

Once the document number is generated, user can view the commission amount details - document wise & BL-wise for the particular voyage.

Editing is now allowed once the document is created.

On selecting the “View” button, voyage-wise detailed information will be displayed. For example, if ten BLs are linked with the particular voyage, then the BL numbers and its details should be displayed.