Important Notes:
•BL’s for the respective Voyage/Vessel/Port, BL’s for which Commission needs to be calculated alone will be displayed.
•You can calculate the commission for a single voyage or for a set of voyages. So based on the voyage selected, details will be populated in the bottom grid.
•To calculate voyage-wise commission, select the voyage from the voyage LOV, else provide the From Date and To Date. If voyage is not selected, then the message “Voyage selection is mandatory for Commission calculation” will be displayed.
•To calculate commission for set of voyages, provide the From Date and To Date. Based on the BL Type selected, Voyage ETA and ETD is considered and list out the voyages in the bottom grid.
•Selecting Calculation Port should consider only the port from the Commission setup. Before considering the port, system should check the Principle (From the voyage considered), Cargo Type (From the manifest) and validity date.
Validity Date
•For Import BL, From Date and To Date should consider the Voyage ETA Date and consider BL’s of the voyages listed.
•For Export BL, if From Date and To Date are selected, then system should consider the voyage ETD date and consider BL’s of the voyages listed.
•For a voyage linked with both “Export” and “Import” BL Type, commission amount will be calculated twice based on the BL type. (If voyage ETA and ETD falls between the From and To date provided).
•For the selected voyage, if multiple BL's are available, and if user want to calculate Commission for a single BL, then user can manually select the BL number from the BL Number field. Commission amount should be calculated only based on single BL.
•If the voyage is linked with BL Type Import, then voyage ETA should be in between the Valid From and Valid To date in the setup.
•If the voyage is linked with BL Type Export, then voyage ETD should be in between the Valid From and Valid To date in the setup.
•If user selects a single voyage for which commission is already calculated, then message will be displayed as Commission is already calculated for the selected voyage.
•Voyage for which commission is already calculated should be excluded from the total list of voyages listed in the Commission posting Details grid. (If user tries to fetch multiple voyage based on From and To date).
User has calculated commission for a single BL which is linked with Voyage "VOY1" (By selecting one BL initially). Now user want to calculate commission for remaining BL's linked with the voyage. When user selects the voyage "VOY1", system should calculate the amount excluding the BL for which commission has been calculated earlier and displays the amount.
•If commission is already calculated for a particular BL, then the same should not be listed again.
In Commission Setup program, user has linked five charges against a setup for which commission needs to be calculated. If any of the four charge is available in the BL, then only those BL’s has to be fetched for posting commission. If any one of the four charge is not available then the respective BL should not be fetched for commission calculation.