Calculation part

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Calculation part

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For a particular charge, multiple tax records can be linked. But, one tax code can be linked only once for a particular charge code.

The calculation for Shipment Type is done based on the charge linked with the Manifest/Order type (be Import or Export). If Not Applicable is selected, then Manifest/Order type need not be considered (be Import or Export).

If Coastal Flag is selected as Yes, then the Tax calculation should happen for the charges only for Manifest/Order for which Coastal Flag is selected.

Mode selected should consider the charge and its mode linked in the Manifest/Order. If “Not Applicable” is selected, then the tax for the charge is applicable irrespective of considering the mode.

Ocean Freight Mode should consider the Manifest / Order’s  Sea Freight (FRT) charge & its mode updated. If the Sea Freight charge is updated as Prepaid, then other charges should calculate based on the mode updated.

Tax Type:

If Tax Type is selected as Normal, then normal tax calculation should happen based on the tax percentage from the Tax master.


If the Tax Type =’After Tax’ is selected, then tax calculation should occur based on a formula defined.

Formula → (Charge Amount + (Charge Amount * Tax Percentage)  /  (Charge Amount – Tax Percentage)) * Tax Percentage/100


For Example :

Charge Amount        → USD = 500,  Tax = 5%

Before Tax        → Tax =  (500 *5)/100 = 25

After Tax        → Tax =  (500+(500*5)/(500-5))*5/100 = 26.31579