This program is used to define the different types of taxes that are applicable for the different types of charges.
Navigating to Charge Tax Link:
Click Voyage Accounting >> Charge tax Link in the left navigation of the Application homepage. The Charge Tax Link screen will be displayed.
This screen displays the below columns:
•Charge Code - Code defined for each type of charge, generally an abbreviation of the Charge description (e.g: FRT - AIR)
•Charge Description- Description of the charge (e.g: Freight Air)
Charge code and Charge description are defined in the Charge Master.
•Tax Code - Code defined for Tax, generally an abbreviation of the Tax description (e.g: SGST, CGST etc.)
•Tax Description- Description for Tax (e.g: State Goods/Service Tax, Central Goods/Service Tax etc.)
Tax code and Tax description are defined in the Tax Master.
•Tax Charge - ??
•Tax Receivable Charge - ??
•Shipment Type - Export or Import
•Mode - Mode of payment can be - Prepaid, Collect, Elsewhere, Not Applicable
•OceanFreightMode - Mode of payment can be - Prepaid, Collect, Elsewhere, Not Applicable
•Coastal Flag - Yes or No
•Tax Type- Before Tax or After Tax
•Valid From- The date from which this tax is applicable
•Valid To- The date until which this tax is applicable
•Status- Active or Inactive
Adding a new record:
1.Click the icon in the Toolbar. A new blank row will get inserted in the top of the grid. Enter the inputs as mentioned below.
2.Select the Charge Code from the drop-down list. The Charge Description will be auto-fetched based on the Charge Code selected.
3.Select the Tax Code from the drop-down list. The Tax Description will be auto-fetched based on the Tax Code selected.
4.Select the Shipment Type as Export or Import.
5.Select the Mode and OceanFreightMode as Prepaid, Collect, Elsewhere or Not Applicable from the drop-down list.
6.Select the Coastal flag as Yes or No from the drop-down list.
7.Select the Tax Type as Before Tax or After Tax from the drop-down list.
8.Select the Valid From and Valid To Dates from the drop-down calendar. By default, current system date will be displayed. You can select back/future date also. Valid To date must be greater than the Valid From date.
9.Select the Status as Active or InActive from the drop-down list. By default, it shows Active.
10.After entering the inputs in the fileds, click the icon in the grid to add the record in screen.
11.Finally, click the icon in the Toolbar. A confirmation message will be displayed.
12.Click OK to save the record.
Also see: