Creating Normal Demurrage/Detention/Storage Tariff

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Creating Normal Demurrage/Detention/Storage Tariff

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To create a normal demurrage/detention tariff, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Tariff Demurrage/Detention Tariff. The Demurrage/Detention/Storage Free Time and Tariff Entry Workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:




2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar. The Demurrage/Detention Tariff creation page appears.


3.In the Demurrage/Detention/Storage Free Time and Tariff Entry header, perform the following:

i.Choose Charge Type from the drop-down menu as Demurrage, Detention, or Storage.

ii.Choose Vendor Type from the drop-down menu as Customer, Port Agent, Truck Operator, Air Line Agency, Rail Operator, Liner, Distributor, Client, Vendor, Not Applicable, or Agent.

iii.Choose the type of Liner and Location from the respective drop-down menus.

iv.Choose Manifest Type from the drop-down menu as Import, Export, Both, or N/A.

v.Choose Shipment Type from the drop-down menu as Special, General, or All.

vi.Choose Tariff Type from the drop-down menu as Normal.

vii.Choose Container Type from the drop-down menu.

Note: By default, Basis Type will be automatically populated based on the chosen container type.

viii.Choose the type of company Currency from the drop-down menu.

ix.In Valid From, enter the date from which the tariff should be valid.

x.In Valid To, enter the date until which the tariff should be valid.
Note: The valid to date should be greater than the current date.




xi.In the container tag, perform the following:

a.Click add (add_icon_white) icon to add the container type.

b.Click Condition (condition_icon) icon to add a condition to the container for charging.
The Conditions Formula pop-up window appears.

c.In the conditions formula window, provide the following details:

In Condition, add the condition for charge calculation.

In Formula, add the formula for the condition.

In Rate, add the rate for the condition calculation.

Click Add to add the condition.
The condition will be added to the below table. You can add more than one condition, if needed.




Click OK to add the condition.


xii.Enter Reference Number, if any.

xiii.Choose Reference Date using the date picker (date_picker_icon) icon.

xiv.Enter Remarks, if any.

xv.Choose Status from the drop-down menu.
Note: By default, Status will be ACTIVE.




xvi.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the tariff. A Warning pop-up window appears.




xvii.Click YES to add another record or NO to save the tariff. On clicking YES, you will be retained in the Demurrage/Detention Tariff creation page.
On clicking NO, the tariff creation completion pop-up window appears.




xviii.Click OK to save the tariff.