Data Source - Conditions

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Data Source - Conditions

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Consider a discharge voyage ABC having 10 containers.


Case 1

Consider all the 10 containers are nominated based on Operations.

While selecting Basis as Unallocated, Discharge voyage as ABC and Data Source either as Operations or as Manifest, these 10 containers will not be displayed as they were already nominated.

Because, the data is fetched based on the container number and not based on the data source.


Case 2

Consider 7 containers are nominated based on Operations.

In this case, selecting Basis as Unallocated, Discharge voyage as ABC and Data Source as Operations will fetch only the balance 3 containers and allows users to nominate.


Case 3

A container XYZ belonging to the Discharge voyage ABC will not be listed for allocation in the below cases:

Container nomination based on Operations and Data Source is MANIFEST

Container nomination based on Manifest and Data Source is Operations

This means a container in one discharge voyage can be nominated only once irrespective of the data source.