EQP Workbench

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EQP Workbench

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Workbench Functionality

1.Select the Charge Type as Demurrage, Detention or Storage from the drop-down list.


2.Select the Voyage from the drop-down list.

Note: Based on the voyage selected, Line name, Vessel name and Port name will be displayed.


3.Select the BL number from the drop-down list. The list displays only those BLs belonging to the selected voyage.

Note: If no voyage is selected, all the BLs will be displayed in the drop-down LOV.


4.Select the Order number from the drop-down list. The list displays only those Order numbers belonging to the selected voyage.

Note: If no voyage is selected, all the order numbers will be displayed in the drop-down LOV.


5.You need to select either the BL number or the Order number.

6.You can directly enter BL or Order, else select Voyage and then select the BL or Order.


7.Click Fetch. The respective container details of the selected BL or Order number will be displayed. It includes the below columns.



Container type





BL Number

Charge type

Current move

From Move

To Move

From Date

To Date

Total Days

Free days

Chargeable Days


Waiver type

Waiver amount


Calculate Upto



Steps to follow:


1.Enter the input parameters (BL / Order Number) and click Fetch.

2.All containers present in selected bl/ order will be listed (Container details will be fetched from manifest).

3.Columns until current move will be displayed in the screen.

4.Selection of the containers will be done.

5.Calculate up to – if user need to calculate demurrage for any specific date, same can be entered (this is optional)

6.Click Calculate button, program will calculate equipment charge as per the logic explained and other columns after ‘From move’ will get displayed in the detail grid whichever applicable.

7.Click the Save button to update the details against the container.


Summary option:

Also against every record, there is a detail button. Upon clicking the button, a pop-up window will open as shown below.


For a particular container, the calculated equipment charges related information will be displayed here. Also in db, we need to store the information as below in the Remarks column.

Also, Remark has to be updated against every container.


Calculation Steps:


The Demurrage/detention/storage charges will be calculated based on the container number.

Based on the container number identified, program will check the container events updated against the container.

Events updated against the container has to be matched with ‘From and To’ event codes defined in the setup.

Once the event codes are matched, program will check the start event and end event of the container as defined in Demurrage setup program.

If end move date is not there for the container and only start date is present, system will consider the system date as the end date to calculate demurrage.

If the container doesn’t have the defined start moves, check the setup whether ‘Allow calculation’ flag and refer voyage master start calculation date.

Using the From and To event dates, calculate the total days applicable for calculating demurrage.