Example - FDA process

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Example - FDA process

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Example to explain FDA Process:



1.A Purchase Invoice document PINV/00001/2018 has been created for a specific AP customer AP0005 for a total amount 10,500 INR.


2.Above document will be available in T_ID_SHIP_LEDGER document for the total amount of 10,500 INR. FDA_Key will not be updated if FDA is not done.


3.VAT is applicable for the documents and VAT details should be stored separately in T_ID_SHIP_LEDGER_TAXES


4.In FDA preparation program, the above purchase invoice will be fetched with the total amount of 10,500 INR.


5.Upon clicking the Tax Details button, the tax split which was already done will be displayed in the IN-VAT DETAILS section


6.OUT-VAT Details to be saved based on manual selection.


7.Once the Post button is selected, FDA document number to be generated based on the voyages selected. Each voyage should have separate document number.


8.FDA document created to be stored in  T_ID_SHIP_TRANS_HEADER voyage wise and its respective invoice documents / Charges should be saved in the T_ID_SHIP_TRANS_DETAILS.