Heirarchial header

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Heirarchial header

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In an organization, there can be various departments, units and sub units located in different areas which are interconnected to each other and accomplish the company operations effectively.

A hierarchy refers to an organization chart showing the different levels of management and employees reporting to them. In a hierarchy, the different levels are categorized based on the roles assigned to each of the employees. Each level of employees includes a manager who directly supervises certain group of workers under his role and report to upper-level management. This Hierarchy Definition helps employee to understand the business of the organization.

Hierarchical Header module allows the administrator to predefine company hierarchies to be followed at operational level. The profile hierarchies will be created only based on the hierarchical header definition. You can add multiple companies operating across the globe and belonging to different industrial verticals under a single window for easy monitoring and tracking of the business.


This section describes the following topics:


1.Creating Heirarchial Header

2.Editing Heirarchial Header


To view a hierarchical header, on the application home page, in the left pane, click User Admin Hierarchical Header.

The Hierarchical Header workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:



The screenshot above illustrates the different levels of Organization, and it hierarchical order.