Outstanding Charges

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Outstanding Charges

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Based on the document selected, Order Number/BL number will be considered. If there are any outstanding charges for which invoice/receipt is not done, then those charges will be listed.

If any equipment charges are not calculated, then those charges will get auto calculated and displayed here.


User has raised Container Deposit charge of 5000 AED and invoiced. Now for the container MTIN event has been updated and so user will proceed with refund.

If there are three charges for which invoice/receipt is not done, then the respective charges to be displayed in this section. User can select the charges and can adjust the refund amount to be given. If the three charges total is 3000 AED, then system should generate container deposit refund document for 2000 AED.

For the three charges, invoice document number to be updated with the Container Deposit refund in the database.

If the deposit amount is less than the total amount of the selected charges, the below message will be displayed.

Container Deposit amount is less than the Outstanding charges amount selected

User should unselect the charges and proceed with the container deposit refund for the remaining amount displayed.