We have three exchange rate masters:
1.Partner Exchange Rate master
2.Voyage Exchange Rate master
3.Shipping Exchange Rate master
Exchange Rate fetching conditions
•If the invoice currency and deposit refund currency differs, then exchange rate has to first check partner exchange rate master whether this currency combination any records is updated with active status based on the customer. If yes, this rate has to be picked up. The customer selected should be considered and checked in the Partner Exchange rate master. If the customer and currency combination is available in the master, then the exchange rate to be considered.
•If suppose partner exchange rate mater doesn’t have any valid records for the selected customer, then rate will be fetched from voyage Exchange Rate master.
•Based on the voyage linked with the Order, and if exchange rate is defined in the Voyage Exchange Rate master, only that rate has to be considered. (Order/BL against which the container deposit document is created).
•If no Business Partner exchange rate or Voyage Exchange rate is available, then exchange rate to get fetched from the Ship exchange rate master.
•If exchange rate for the currency combination is not available in any of the exchange masters, then message to be displayed as
“Exchange rate is not defined for the selected currency”.