Container Master

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Container Master

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The Container Master is used to store and update the container details.



Container Master Workbench

Click EQC >> Container Master in the left navigation pane of the Application Home page. The Container Master screen will be displayed.





Adding new container details


1.Click the Add (add_icon_white) icon in the grid section. A new blank row will be inserted in the grid. Enter the inputs in the columns as described below.


Container Number        - Enter the container number.

Container Type        - Select the container type from the drop-down list.

Owner                        - Select the name of the container owner from the drop-down list.

Owner Status                - Select the status as Carrier Owned, Shipper Owned or Liner from the drop-down list.

Inventory Required        - Select Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Lease Status                - Select Leased or Normal from the drop-down list.

Status                        - Select the status as Active. By default, it is Active.

check box                 - Select the check box to --- ??

More Details                - To add more details of the same container, click the Detail Hyperlink in the More Details column. The below add screen will be displayed.





The fields Container Size, Tare Weight(kgs) & Pay Load(kgs) are auto-updated based on the container type selected in the grid.


Enter the inputs/values in the below fields.

Stack Weight(Kgs)


Gross Weight(Kgs)





Internal Length

Internal Width

Internal Height

Rear Door Width

Rear Door Height

CSC Approval No

Last CSC Inspection

Next CSC Inspection



Manufacturing Date



Click OK to save the more details.


2.Now, click the Save (save_icon_green) icon in the grid to save the record.

3.Click the Save (save_icon_blue) icon in the Tool bar to update the container details in the Container Master. A confirmation message will be displayed as below.




4.Click OK.