The created enquiry can only be edited, confirmed or canceled, and cannot be deleted.
The four different types of enquiry statuses are:
•CREATED – By default, any enquiry created will be in the created status.
•CANCELLED – On changing the status of the enquiry to canceled, the enquiry cannot be used for further process.
•CONCLUDED – The enquiry is considered to be concluded only upon successful confirmation of the enquiry.
•MISSED OPPORTUNITY – The enquiry is considered to be a missed opportunity when the enquiry cannot be processed due to some reasons such as lack of shipment availability and so on.
To change the status of the enquiry, perform the following:
1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Enquiry Enquiry. The Enquiry workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:
2.In the enquiry workbench, click Filter () icon next to any respective column to find the required enquiry.
3.Choose Operator from the drop-down menu as Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Is equal to, or Is not equal to.
4.Enter operator Value.
5.Choose Filters logic from the drop-down menu as And or Or.
6.Choose Additional operator from the drop-down menu as Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Is equal to, or Is not equal to, if required.
7.Enter operator Additional value.
8.Click Filter. The filtered enquiries will be displayed below.
9.Select the required enquiry.
10.Click Edit () icon in the menu bar. The Enquiry creation page appears in edit mode.
11.Change the Status from CREATED to CANCELLED to cancel the enquiry, CONCLUDED to confirm the enquiry, or MISSED OPPORTUNITY to close the enquiry.
Note: The status once changed cannot be rolled back.
12.In the menu bar, click Save () icon to save the enquiry. A pop-up window appears.
13.Click OK.