Container Deposit Refund scenarios

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Container Deposit Refund scenarios

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Scenario 1 : Collection and Refund Full



Consider a BL having two containers. 1 * 20DV and 1 * 40DV

Container deposit has been accounted for the deposit amount as Direct Receipt while processing Delivery Order.

Deposit Amount for 1 * 20Dv container = 120 AED

Deposit Amount for 1 * 40DV container = 200 AED


Direct Receipt has been generated for the other two unaccounted charges as well.

THCD = 300 AED → DEPAY/18/00001

BL FEE= 100 AED → DEPAY/18/00001

1*20DV = 120 AED → DEPAY/18/00001

1*40DV = 200 AED → DEPAY/18/00001


Now, user needs to do Container Deposit refund to the customer for the above two containers for which deposit amount is already collected through Direct Receipt.

For the direct receipt, payment document to be generated for the two containers for which refund to be done.


Allocation and posting details are explained in the attached excel file.


Scenario 2 : Collection and Refund less after deducting for unaccounted demurrage charges or after deducting for some Charges


Example :

Consider a BL having two containers. 1 * 20DV and 1 * 40DV

Container deposit has been accounted (collected) for the deposit amount as Direct Receipt while processing Delivery Order.

Deposit Amount for 1 * 20DV container = 120 AED

Deposit Amount for 1 * 40DV container = 200 AED

1*20DV = 120 AED → DEPAY/18/00001

1*40DV = 200 AED → DEPAY/18/00001


In the manifest freight level, there are two un invoiced charges present for the same customer of the same BL.

THCD        = 200 AED

BL FEE        = 100 AED


Now, user needs to do Container Deposit refund to the customer for the above two containers for which deposit amount is already collected through Direct Receipt.


For the direct receipt, payment document to be generated for the two containers for which refund to be done.


In the Outstanding Charges section of the Container Deposit Refund program, the two charges for which invoice is not done will be listed based on the Direct Receipt selected.

If any outstanding demurrage is applicable, then the same will be calculated and displayed under the Outstanding Charges section.


1.From the above example, total container deposit amount collected is 320 AED (120+200).  Total charges which are not invoiced are (300 AED)

THCD = 200 AED

BL FEE = 100 AED

2.User can do the adjustment by selecting the Outstanding Charges. After adjustment with the total charge amount with the container deposit amount, total amount to be refunded is 20 AED (320 AED – 300 AED).

3.Payment document to be generated for the 20 AED amount against the particular BL.

DEPAY/18/00001 → 20 AED

4.Table level Posting detail is provided in the attached excel.

5.System should allow to proceed with refund if any outstanding charges are available to be invoiced.

6.If the total outstanding charges & Outstanding demurrage amount exceeds the Container Deposit amount, then a message will be displayed which should not allow to proceed further.

“Total Outstanding Charges exceeds Container Deposit amount.”