This program enables the agencies to generate Invoice and Proforma Invoice documents to send to their Customers. Once an order is confirmed by the customer, the shipping agents need to send the invoice/proforma invoice to the customer to collect the applicable charges. These documents are issued based on each service order.
•If Invoice/Proforma Invoice is already done for one service order number (for all the charges of the service order), then the same Order/Service Order number will not be fetched again for invoicing.
•If invoice/proforma invoice is done for partial charges for one service Order number (based on charge selection), then the same Order/Service Order number will be fetched again with the remaining un invoiced charges.
•If invoice/Proforma invoice is done, then the document number should be updated separately in the Order/BL rate details.
•If Invoice/Proforma invoice is cancelled or reversed, then the document number need to be removed from the Order/BL rate details section and the service order along with the charges should be again fetched for invoicing.
•Invoice/Proforma invoice can be made in any currency. By default, currency will be displayed as company base currency.
Exchange rate fetching condition
For a particular Service Order Number, Selling rate from the order to only be fetched. We have three exchange rate masters.
i.Partner Exchange Rate master
ii.Voyage Exchange Rate master
iii.Shipping Exchange Rate master
•If the Invoice/Proforma invoice currency and order rate currency differs, then exchange rate has to first check partner exchange rate master whether this currency combination any records is updated with active status based on the Invoicing party.
oIf yes, this rate has to be picked up. Party details which is available in the rate details section against each charge should be considered and checked in the Partner Exchange rate master. If the Invoice Party and currency combination is available in the master, then the exchange rate will be considered.
oIf exchange rate for the currency combination is not available in any of the exchange masters, then message will be displayed as “Exchange rate is not defined for the selected currency.”
•If Partner Exchange Rate mater doesn’t have any valid records for the invoicing party, then rate will be fetched from voyage Ex-rate master.
•Based on the voyage linked with the Order, and if exchange rate is defined in the Voyage Exchange Rate master, only that rate has to be considered.
•If no Business Partner exchange rate or Voyage Exchange rate is available, then exchange rate will be fetched from the Ship exchange rate master.