Creating Enquiry

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Creating Enquiry

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To create an enquiry, perform the following:


1.On the application home page, in the left pane, click Enquiry Enquiry. The Enquiry workbench appears on the right pane like the one shown below:




2.In the right pane, click Add (add_icon_green) icon in the menu bar. The Enquiry creation page appears.


3.In the Enquiry header, provide the following details:

i.Choose Service Category from the drop-down menu as Vessel Operation, Domestic Cargo, Import/Export Forwarding, OTHERS, Import/Export Liner, or DOOR.

ii.Enter customer Name and Company.

iii.Choose Country and City of the customer from the respective drop-down menus.

iv.Enter Email and Phone number of the customer.

v.In Assigned To, enter the name of the sales executive assigned for the enquiry.

vi.In Enquiry Valid Till, choose the date until which the enquiry is valid using the date picker (date_picker_icon) icon.

vii.In Send to Client, enable it to send an auto email to the client about the enquiry.




viii.In Service Details, enter detailed information about the service.

ix.Click More Details and perform the following:

a.Choose Parcel Type from the drop-down menu as PACKAGE, BULK CARGO, GENERAL CARGO, CONTAINERS or RORO.

b.Choose Transport Method from the drop-down menu as AIR, MULTIMODE, SEA, or LAND.

c.Enter name of the Preferred Carrier.

d.Enter From and To details of the shipment.

e.Choose Local/Customs from the drop-down menu as ORIGIN, DESTINATION, NO, ORIGIN/DESTINATION, or CUSTOM CLEARANCE.

f.Enter MainCargo Type Name, Cargo Weight (Kgs), and Volume (cbm).

g.In Choose Files, click Select files to select and upload the required file.





x.In the menu bar, click Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the enquiry. The enquiry creation completion pop-up window appears.





xi.Click OK.