Defining Commission in Setup

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Defining Commission in Setup

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In the Commission Setup screen, click the Add_Greenicon icon in the Toolbar. The Add screen will be displayed.





It displays the 3 sections:

1.Basic info

2.Commission Details

3.Attachments Details



1.Basic Info


i.Select the Principal.




The Agreement Date, Valid From and Valid to dates will be auto-updated.

ii.In Copy From, select the Principal from the drop-down list and click the copy_blue button to copy the details of the selected Principal.



2.Commission Details


You can add the charge details in this section.


i.Click the add_icon_white icon in the grid. The Charge Details window appears.




ii.Enter all the mandatory fields and click the grid_save_blue icon. The data will get added in the main screen as below.




iii.Now, click the main_save icon in the Toolbar to save the information. A confirmation message will be displayed as below.




iv.Click OK.



3.Attachments Details




i.Click the add_icon_white icon in the grid. A new row will get inserted.

ii.Select the Attachment Type from the drop-down list.

iii.Click the SelectFiles button, select the file from the system to upload.

iv.Click the save_greenblue icon in the grid to save the file.

v.Finally, click the main_save icon in the Toolbar to update the record.