Invoicing Options:
There are various options to generate the invoice document. Based on the Invoice Based On value selected, invoice will be generated.
Functions to be listed from Reference code master as follows.
2.Order → Charge Type
3.Order → Tax Type
4.Order → Charge Type → Tax Type
5.Order → Charge Type → Tax/Non Tax
6.Charge Type
7.Charge Type → Tax Type
8.Charge Type → Tax/Non Tax
10.Order → BL Wise
If the Mode is selected as Order Based, and if multiple orders are selected in the workbench for invoicing, then system has to generate Invoice number for each order. (If single Party is involved for all the charges).
If multiple parties are involved in a single order, then invoice should be generated based on party-wise grouping of each order selected.
If the mode is selected as Order → Charge Type, along with the vendor grouping, Charge Category linked with the charges has to be grouped as well.
For Example, One Order is linked with 10 charges which has 3 different Charge Categories. If all the charges are linked with single Party, then 3 different invoice number has to be generated.
If the mode is selected as ORDER → Tax type, then based on the charges linked with the tax code in the Charge Tax link program, invoice needs to be generated.
Tax Type column is present in the Charge Tax Link program and system should group accordingly.
For example, If the charges are linked with Tax code, and for one charge if the tax type is linked with “Before Tax” and another charge linked with “After Tax”, then two invoice needs to be generated.
If the mode is selected as Order → Charge Type → Tax Type, then invoice needs to be generated based on the grouping of Charge Category from charge master and Tax type from the Charge Tax link.
Along with the above condition, Party needs to be considered.
If the mode is selected as Order → Charge Type → Tax/Non Tax, then invoice needs to be generated separately for the charges which has tax code linked and not linked.
Along with the above condition, Party & Charge Category from charge master needs to be considered.
NOTE: In above mentioned cases, first condition to create invoice based on single Order.
If the Mode is selected Charge Type, then invoice needs to be generated only based on Charge Category. Along with Charge Category, invoice party needs to be considered.
If more than one order is selected, then system should group all the charges present in all the orders and invoice to be generated by grouping of charge type.
If the mode is selected as Charge Type → Tax Type, then invoice needs to be generated based on the Charge Category from the charge master and Tax Type from the Charge Tax Link program.
If multiple Orders are selected, system should group only based on the Charge Type and Tax type.
If the mode is selected as Charge Type → Tax/Non Tax, then invoice needs to be generated based on the Charge Category from Charge master and Tax code linked with the charge from Charge Tax Link program.
Note: In the above three conditions, there is no need to generate invoice for one particular order instead grouping can be done on the condition selected.
•ORDER → BL WISE - If Order is linked with multiple BL’s, then invoice needs to be generated based on each BL wise. While creating BL, manifest key will be updated in the Order rate section.
•PAYER - If multiple Orders are selected, system needs to generate invoice based on the Payer party which is updated in the Order rate details section. If single order is selected, and if 5 charges are linked with one payer party, then system should generate invoice based on Payer party from order rate section.