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Click Voyage Accounting >> Invoice Entry in the left navigation pane of the application homepage. The Invoice Entry screen will be displayed as below.
This screen displays the below sections.
•Basic Info
•Charge Details
•Additional charges
Basic Info
1.Select the Document Mode from the drop-down list. It displays Proforma Invoice, Proforma to Actual Invoice, Actual Invoice, Receipt, CTN invoice, Payment, Invoice cum receipt.
You can create Proforma Invoice or Actual invoice by selecting the Document mode.
▪If Proforma invoice is selected, then it has to refer the document type master with description as "Proforma Invoice" and its specific document type to be considered while generating document number.
▪If Actual Invoice is selected, then it has to refer the document type master with description as "Actual Invoice" and its specific document type to be considered while generating document number.
▪Already created Proforma Invoice can be converted to Actual invoice by selecting the mode as Proforma to Actual Invoice. But, if actual invoice is created first, then Proforma Invoice will not be allowed to create.
▪You can also directly create Actual Invoice without creating Proforma Invoice.
▪You can generate Invoice/Proforma Invoice for all the charges present in the Service Order or only for the selected set of charges.
i.If Invoice Mode is selected as Proforma To Actual Invoice, then Proforma Invoice field will be enabled. Once the Proforma invoice document is selected from the LOV as mentioned above, all the order & its respective charge details updated against the proforma document will be populated in the dashboard.
ii.If the user selects the “Process Invoice”, you can view the Orders and its respective charges in the Charge section. All the values are for view purpose only and cannot be edited.
2.Select the Proforma Number from the drop-down list. This field is disabled.
3.Select the Document Based On from the drop-down list. For more details, click here
4.Select the Doc. Date, Due Date, Reference Date and Supply Date from the respective drop-down calendars. The GL Date will be shown as the system date by default.
5.Select the Currency from the drop-down list.
6.The Ex.Rate will be auto-displayed from the Exchange Rate Master based on the currency selected.
7.Select the Place Of Supply from the drop-down list.
8.Enter the Narration and Notes for the invoice.
9.Select the Endorsement Party from the drop-down list.
10.Select the Without DEM/DET checkbox to calculate the charges excluding the Demurrage/Detention charges.
1.Select the appropriate checkbox - SEA, AIR, RAIL and TRUCK.
2.Select the Expected From Date and Expected To Date from the respective drop-down calendars.
3.Select the Voyage, Customer and Order Type from the respective drop-down lists.
4.Enter the Order number or the BL number and click the button. The results will be loaded in the grid.
5.Click the button to process the invoice. Refer here for calculations.
Charge Details