Manifest Corrector

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Manifest Corrector

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This program is used to edit a confirmed and approved manifest even after the shipment is sailed out to the discharge port.


Generally, once the manifest status is changed to Approved/Completed, no further changes can be done directly from the Manifest Entry program. For this purpose, Manifest corrector is in place so that user can edit/correct the required details of the manifest. Manifest correction is allowed for both Exports and Imports shipments.


The correction accomplished for Exports operations is referred as EMC (Export Manifest Corrector) and it can be created based on shipper/customer request. Users can correct the below details which were updated in the Manifest Entry.


1.Routing information

2.Rate Details

3.Cargo details

4.Container details

5.Party details

6.Additional information

7.Notes etc.


Manifest corrector program is used in passing export/import corrector for the shipments which were already sailed out or been received from load port. Various correctors can be passed using the same program.


This program enables the users to edit the manifest once the manifest status is changed to Approved/completed, (some specific status depends on shipment type) as any changes can not be done directly from the Manifest Entry program.