Arrival Notice Exceptions

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Arrival Notice Exceptions

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Arrival notice will not be generated for the BLs with the below cases.

1.The name of the Delivery Party (Consignee/Notify), his Email id or the Fax numbers are not updated in Business Partner master.

2.If any Import BL has corrector downloaded or created which are in Pending status, then those BL should not be allowed to send Arrival Notice.


The below table lists the types of error messages for the different cases of BLs.

Parameters Not defined in

"Business Partner Master"

Error Message

Consignee Name

Consignee code not updated/ Consignee is not defined in Business partner master

Consignee Email ID

Email id is not defined for the consignee

Consignee Fax Number

Fax number is not defined for the consignee

Notify Name

Notify code not updated/ Notify is not defined in Business partner master

Notify Email ID

Email id is not defined for the Notify

Notify Fax Number

Fax number is not defined for the Notify

BL has corrector downloaded or created which are in Pending status

Corrector is in pending status


Upon selecting a BL having exceptions, the Exception button will be enabled in the grid. Click the Exception button.

The respective error messages will be displayed as shown below.




Arrival notice will not be generated for the above cases and the below message will be displayed.



 Click OK.