Adding new events

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Adding new events

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This screen allows users to perform the following:

1.To add a new container event

2.To edit/update any container event

3.To delete an event


Adding a new container event

A. Click EQC >> Event Updation in the left navigation of the Application Home page. The Event Updation workbench sceen will be displayed. (refer previous topic).

B. Click the Add (add_icon_green) icon in the Tool Bar. The manual entry screen will be displayed (Refer below image).

C. Enter the inputs in all the sections of the entry screen.

D. Click the Save (save_icon_blue) icon to save the record. The new event is created.




Fields marked in * are mandatory.


The manual entry program includes the below blocks:


1.Manual Entry Header

2.Seal details

3.Seal damage entry

4.Container damage

5.UAC details

6.Other Details


The fields in each of the above sections and the details to enter the inputs are described below.


1. Manual Entry Header





Container                - Select the container from the drop-down list. The list displays Container number, Container type, Event code and location.    

Event Code                - Select the next move of the container from the drop-down list. It displays all the next logical moves based on the current move of the selected container.

Event Date                - Select the date from the dropdown calendar and also select the time using the Timer icon.                        

Size                        - Auto fetched based on the container type

Owner status                - Auto fetched

Location                - Select the location from the drop-down list

Service Type                - Auto fetched

Terminal                - Select the terminal from the drop-down list

Depot                        - Select the Depot from the drop-down list

Condition                - Select the condition from the drop-down list - it displays Normal, Leaking & Damaged

Mafi Type                - Select the Mafi Type from the drop-down list.

Mafi No                - Enter the Mafi no

Voyage                - Select the voyage from the drop-down list. Vessel, Line and Port are auto fetched based on the voyage selected.

Vessel, Line                - Auto fetched

Port                        - This field is disabled

Origin                        - Select the origin from the drop-down list

Load port                - Select the load port from the drop-down list

Discharge port        - Select the discharge port from the drop-down list

Final destination        - Select the final destination from the drop-down list

Release                - Select the release number from the drop-down list

Order                        - Select the Order from the drop-down list

B/L                        - Select the BL from the drop-down list

VGM weight(Kg)        - Enter the numerical value

Gross weight(Kg)        - Enter the numerical value

Tare weight(Kg)        - Enter the numerical value

Net weight(Kg)        - Enter the numerical value

Cargo weight(Kg)        - Enter the numerical value

Commodity                - Select the Commodity from the drop-down list

Customer Category        - Select the Customer Category  as Special or Normal from the drop-down list

Feeder Voyage        - Enter the feeder voyage

Truck number                - Enter the Truck Number

Transporter                - Enter the Transporter

Customer                - Select the customer name from the drop-down list

DO                        - Select the DO from the drop-down list

Train Number                - Enter the Train number

OOG, Reefer & Imco        - Select YES or NO from the drop-down list

Flex 1 to Flex 5        - Enter the details if applicable

Stowage                - Enter the details if applicable

Batch Number & Date        - This is applicable for moves downloaded via edi or csv

Entry type                - Auto updated as Manual

Remarks                - Enter Remarks if any.





Event code will be blank for the first move of the containers.

On selecting the container, the fields Container Type, Size, Owner Status and Condition will be auto-updated.

Also, in the Current Move section, all the fields Event Code, Event Date, Entry Type and Location are auto-updated.

Two events can have the same dates but not the same time.

The Time of the new move should be always greater than the previous history move.


2. Seal Details

In the Seal Details section, click the Add (add_icon_green) icon. The below Edit screen will be displayed.




i.Select the Seal Type from the below options.

No Seal




ii.Enter the Seal Number.

iii.Select the condition from the below options.




iv.Click the Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the record. The seal details will be updated in the main screen as shown below.




For a particular shipment, multiple seals can be used in one container.


3. Seal Damage Entry

In the Seal Details section, click the Add (add_icon_green) icon. The below Edit screen will be displayed.



i.Enter the inputs in the fields as below.

Seal Type & Seal Number- Auto fetched

Reason - Select the reason as Mishandling or Human error

Damage Type- Select Broken Completely or Damaged

Supervisor - Enter the supervisor name

Charges incurred - Enter the amount

Currency - Select the currency from the drop-down list

Documents Upload - Select the file to upload (what file)? includes what??

Remarks - Enter remarks if any.


ii.Click the Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the record. The seal damage details will be updated in the main screen as shown below.



Note: For containers having multiple seals linked, seal damage records can be multiple.


4. Container Damage

In shipping system, damages can happen to containers in a number of ways while handling at the port or depot or during transport.

If the information is received via some edi files like codeco/coarri, same will be downloaded automatically. However, details can also be manually captured in system.

In the Container Damage section, click the Add (add_icon_green) icon. The below Edit screen will be displayed.



i.Update the damage details in the below fields.

Location - Select the location from the drop-down list

Supervisor - Enter the supervisor name

Apparently caused - Select the reason from the drop-down list. If user selects as Others, it has to be mentioned in Remarks.

Damage type - Select the damage type from the drop-down list. If user selects as Others, it has to be mentioned in Remarks.

Charges incurred- Enter the amount

Currency - Select the currency from the drop-down list

Document Upload - Select the file to upload (what file)? includes what??

Remarks - Enter remarks if any.


iii.Click the Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the record. The container damage details will be updated in the main screen as shown below.






The details of the containers which have been discharged but not been picked by the consignee are added under UAC Details section.


In the UAC Details section, click the Add (add_icon_green) icon. The below Edit screen will be displayed.



i.Below are the fields to be updated in the UAC Details section.

Discharge Date - Select the date from the drop-down calendar

No. of Days- Enter the number of days

UAC notice sent by- Enter the name of the sender

UAC notice sent on- Select the date from the drop-down calendar

Charges- Enter the amount

Currency- Select the currency from the drop-down list

Documents upload- Select the file to upload (what file)? includes what??

Remarks- Enter remarks if any


ii.Click the Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the record. The UAC details will be updated in the main screen as shown below.


5. Other Details

In this section, any general notes can be added or can be customized based on individual locations requirement.

Ex: one way container related remarks can be updated in this section. This can be controlled via dynamic remarks type.


In the Other Details section, click the Add (add_icon_green) icon. The below Edit screen will be displayed.




i.Update the below fields.

Remarks Type - Select the location from the drop-down list

Flex 1 to Flex 6 - Enter the comments

Document Upload - Select the file to upload (what file)? includes what??

Remarks - Enter remarks if any.


ii.Click the Save (save_icon_white) icon to save the record. The saved details will be updated in the main screen as shown below.







While saving the container move entry, an alert message will be raised if any mandatory fields are missed.

Also there are some additional fields available in dashboard as below. where??

Entry type -  By default, this will be updated as Manual

Category -  This category will be default Normal

Condition -  Condition will be Normal (If suppose any damage details updated for a container then the condition should read as damaged)

Status- when saving the new event manually updated for a container, status will get updated as Success